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Indulge in the privacy of Michelin’s guide highest rated ryokan in Hokkaido. Soak in authentic traditional ‘onsens’ in the privacy of your own room: each villa suite is equipped with its own private indoor and outdoor bath, filled with untampered geothermal waters from our own hot spring.

The open expanses of award-winning architect Nakayama, allow for solitary walks and unimpeded exploration within the building and without. Each party is allocated a private dining space in order to enjoy Zaborin’s unique northern style ‘kita kaiseki’ multi-course Japanese fine dining.

Book Here or contact us at [email protected] if you need further assistance.

We look forward to welcoming you.

Zaborin Ryokan 坐忘林 旅館 | 北海道
Zaborin Ryokan 坐忘林 旅館 | 北海道